The responsibilities that come with having children begin before a baby is conceived. From birth plans to personal care products, new parents soon realize every choice is now made with the health of their new baby in mind. For a pregnant woman in particular, the dietary choices she makes have a profound effect on the growing fetus. Research has found that the foods a woman consumes during pregnancy can predict her baby’s likelihood of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and more.
The Secret our Ancestors Knew
Traditional cultures knew about the importance of nutrient dense foods for pregnant women. In traditional cultures pregnant women were encouraged to eat a few key nutrients for the healthy development of a new baby. Research has found that pregnant women who consume these super nutrients reduce their chances of premature birth, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and preeclampsia. The babies born to these mothers also have lower incidences of cold viruses and eczema.
Would you like to give your baby the best start possible?
4 Nutrient Dense Foods To Eat During Pregnancy
1. Egg Yolks
Rich in choline, a nutrient critical to a baby's brain development, egg yolks are a nutritional powerhouse. Egg yolks are a great source of cholesterol, a nutrient necessary for the formation of the brain and nervous system in a fetus. Cholesterol also makes the sex hormones needed to sustain a healthy pregnancy to full term. Need another reason to eat eggs? They are high in vitamins A, D, K2, E, folate and biotin, all SUPER nutrients for a developing baby. Eggs from pasture chickens are best as they have higher levels of these vital nutrients.
2. Bone Broth
Homemade bone broth is nature’s best multivitamin. Full of minerals, trace minerals and amino acids, bone broth is liquid gold for pregnant women. The natural gelatin found in bone broth helps a baby develop strong bones, tendons and connective tissue. Gelatin also soothes and protects the digestive tract of the pregnant woman.
3. Cod Liver Oil
Your grandma probably took cod liver oil while she was pregnant because back then it was common knowledge (in the medical field) that cod liver oil benefited both pregnant women and growing children. Cod liver oil contains vitamin A, a vitamin critical for fetal development. It is vitamin A that orchestrates the differentiation of stem cells into various organs and ensures a fetus develops correctly.
4. Probiotic-Rich Foods
The balance of healthy flora in the digestive tract is arguably the most important factor in our overall health. For a pregnant women, the healthy bacteria in her gut serves as the basis for her baby’s gut flora. A newborn baby receives healthy bacteria through the birth canal and also through breast milk. Why is this important? A baby with healthy gut flora has a lowered risk for developing eczema, colic, asthma and allergies.
Interested in learning more about eating nutrient dense foods while pregnant? Try these sources ( here and here
) for more information.