Would you join me and other Healthy Living How To friends on Facebook in a month of thankfulness?
Each day I will start a thread (on Facebook) in which we can share what we are thankful for. That's it. Simple. Just comment with whatever it is that moves you that day. It is nothing to over think, but simply a practice that has been shown to improve health.
That's right, an attitude of gratitude, has been shown to improve our health. Check out this from the University of California Davis:
Gratitude is the forgotten factor in happiness research. Grateful people report higher levels of positive emotions, life satisfaction, vitality, optimism and lower levels of depression and stress. People with a strong disposition toward gratitude have the capacity to be empathetic and to take the perspective of others. They are rated as more generous and more helpful. Grateful individuals place less importance on material goods, are less likely to judge their own and others success in terms of possessions accumulated and are less envious of others.
The foundation of Healthy Living How To is my list of 10 Things. Number three on the list is “Be Thankful”. In a world that tells us more is better, we are vulnerable to a thought pattern that focuses on what we don’t have instead of what we do. Some of us are born with an attitude of gratitude, but for the rest of us this takes practice. Daily practice. Ready to put this to the test?