Give Up Being a Caterpillar
I am reading a book called Secrets of Six-Figure Women.The author interviewed women who make six-figure incomes (or more), in different industries with various backgrounds,… [Continue Reading]
When You Have a Bad Day
Every once in a great while, I wake up with this weird feeling. My body is overcome with fatigue, it’s usually accompanied by a tension… [Continue Reading]
New Bike
I am pretty sure my mom was about my age when she decided she was going to take up bike riding. She went and got… [Continue Reading]
Pout Pout Fish
Listen, we all have pout pout fish in our life. They bring us down every time they swim around. I’m here to tell you, boundaries… [Continue Reading]
How To Have a Good Day
Over the weekend Tom and I stopped at the bookstore to peruse books (one of our favorite things), drink coffee (another of our favorite things), and do… [Continue Reading]
Gotta Have Faith
Truth. I've been on day fifteen of my #100daystobrave since last Friday. I didn't want to post…just to post. I needed to ponder. So, day… [Continue Reading]
Keep a Firm Grip
I know at least one of my friends needs to hear this today!!! I hope this verse blesses you as it blessed me last week… [Continue Reading]
Cinco De Mayo & My Mom
Today has me thinking about my mom. I don't know anyone who wished they were Mexican more than her. She married a Mexican, had four… [Continue Reading]
Sunsets & Superpowers
I put myself to bed tonight around 7:30 pm. With it being my first day back in the land of the living, I found myself… [Continue Reading]
I Like Big Butts
A few weeks back, shortly after picking up our grandson, he burst out into song in the car. “I LIKE big butts and I cannot… [Continue Reading]
Do More
I've been pretty much laid up in bed since Saturday with an upper respiratory virus. Believe you me, this is NOT how I wanted to… [Continue Reading]
Free Advice
Friend, stop saying mean things about yourself to yourself. Seriously, stop it. If we are going to do BRAVE things together and encourage each other… [Continue Reading]