Hello, I'm Vanessa.
I once had someone tell me they did not like my purple hair, said it was for the birds. My nickname is Birdie.
I like ketchup but hate tomatoes.
I've been known to leave up our Christmas tree well into February.
My second toe is longer than my first, which according to my foot reading, means I am creative and bossy.
I live in the Land of 10,000 Lakes but swimming in them gives me the heebie-jeebies.
My ears do hang low, well my earlobes do anyways.
Even though I adore coffee, I rarely finish a cup. And it makes me poop.
I quit drinking Diet Pepsi cold turkey because my husband said he didn't think I could.
And being naked makes me uncomfortable, which is funny because I don't wear underwear (most of the time).
I am a Christ-follower, wife, mother, grandmother, business owner, city slicker, purple lover, and health nut.
What is one FUN fact about YOU??? (Don't be shy!!!)
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Photo Description: Me. Haven't showered in two days. Wearing a purple robe from Costco. Holding a purple coffee mug with a purple manicure. Sporting purple sunglasses. I may or may not have BO.