I have social jet lag. Hey don't laugh, it's a real thing. You might even have it too. It's pretty common, actually.
Social jet lag typically occurs when we stay up late on the weekend, only to find ourselves tired, unmotivated, and groggy on Monday.
Some people call this a social life.
Social jet lag is like regular jet lag without flying across time zones. In both cases, our circadian rhythm or internal clock, gets messed with.
And it doesn't like to be messed with. It thrives on consistency and a schedule.
Simply staying up until the wee hours on Friday and Saturday and then sleeping in throws our body clock out of whack. That's why Monday can sometimes suck.
The more social jet lag a person experiences, the more likely they are to be overweight or obese. Ouch!
Before using energy drinks, coffee or soda, to push through the day, reset your clock with a power nap.
Power naps are the most effective way to rejuvenate your brain. And all you need is 10 minutes.
Power naps are not sleeping. I tell you this, as I used to think I wasn't good at taking a power nap. You can learn to power nap, even if it takes you forever to fall asleep. Ready to give this a try?
5 Tips to Power Up with a Power Nap
1. Set an alarm for 10 minutes.
2. Lie down or sit somewhere you can focus on relaxing.
3. Focus on relaxing your muscles from your head down to your toes.
4. Finally, relax your thoughts.
5. Keep your eyes closed and let your thoughts meander.
That's it! Wake refreshed and ready for the races.
Oh, and remember that coffee I told you to forgo? If you time it just right, it can work in your favor. Have your shot of espresso right before your power nap. It's called a caffeine nap.