Anytime, I feel my creativity waning, I take a step back and assess two things:
How much time have I spent (1.) scrolling on social media and (2.) in silence?
These two things alone have a dramatic effect on how creative I am.
You've probably heard the famous Theodore Roosevelt quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”
Comparison also steals your creativity.
The more time we spend on social media scrolling (versus commenting, connecting, and conversing with others) the more likely our brain will get hijacked.
And when our brain gets hijacked, we start assessing ourselves against others.
Bottom Line. Creativity requires you to slow your scroll and be intentional about your time on social media.
If you’re an introvert, like me, then periods of silence or quiet is when you're at your creative best.
Noise may seem inescapable but periods of solitude are not.
Susan Cain, the
When it comes to creativity, coffee and sleep are non-negotiable.
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