Sunday Snapshots: Purple Pride

Since moving downtown a month ago, we’ve been looking forward to today — the first home game for our Minnesota Vikings. Not only did we… [Continue Reading]

Questions and Answers

Weekly Q & A: Ghee, Daily Eats, Bowels

Welcome to the new Weekly Q & A at Healthy Living How To. Each week I will pick three questions in my mail bag and… [Continue Reading]

Questions and Answers

Weekly Q & A: Grape Seed Oil, Melasma, Where to Start

Welcome to the new Weekly Q & A at Healthy Living How To. Each week I will pick three questions in my mail bag and… [Continue Reading]

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!

Labor Day signifies the end of summer and back-to-school for many. For those fashion conscious, it was once considered the last day to wear white… [Continue Reading]

International Bacon Day

Happy International Bacon Day!

Today is perhaps the most delicious holiday to be celebrated, International Bacon Day! Not much is required, other than cooking, eating and enjoying bacon. Some… [Continue Reading]

National Dog Day

The Best Thing to Come From Texas

I’m baaaaack! I missed you all, my faithful readers. It’s been a whirlwind these past two weeks. We have effectively downsized and moved from the… [Continue Reading]


Sunday Snapshots: Here Kitty Kitty!

In the corner of our dining room, in front of a large window, is my setup for taking food photos for Healthy Living How To…. [Continue Reading]

Organic Blackberries

Saturday Snapshots: Blackberries & Best Friends

We did our weekly food shopping this afternoon and organic blackberries were on sale! WooHoo! They are one of my favorite fruits. Beautiful food gives… [Continue Reading]

Saturday Snapshots: Stand Up Paddle Boarding

Tom and I have wanted to try stand up paddle boarding for some time. Living in Minnesota, the Land of 10,000 Lakes, the summer months… [Continue Reading]

Happy 4th of July

Hubba Hubba Woof Woof

Sunday Snapshot: Hubba Hubba, Woof Woof!

When I started Healthy Living How To a little over two years ago, I owned a point and shoot camera and knew nothing about taking… [Continue Reading]

Mom & Me at Mayo

I had my dad snap this picture today of my mom and me at the Mayo Clinic this morning. It makes me cry just looking… [Continue Reading]

Throwback Thursday. What Do A Baby Ballerina & Ski Jumper Have In Common? |

Throwback Thursday: What does a baby ballerina and a ski jumper have in common?

The little girl on the far left, well, that’s me. As if you couldn’t tell. I used to be a dancer. No really. I danced… [Continue Reading]

Saturday Snapshots: Look out world…he’s got wheels!

Today we took our Jacob shopping for his first car. My brother referred us to a very small used car operation that a hunting buddy of… [Continue Reading]

Wordless Wednesday: Me and My Little Buddy

Burger Jones Burger

Hold Onto Your Buns: Happy National Burger Day!

As if I need an excuse to indulge in a bunless burger… Today is National Burger Day! To celebrate the occasion, my handsome husband took… [Continue Reading]

Tom and I

Sunday Snapshots on Monday

It’s been awhile since I did a “Sunday Snapshot” post…thought I’d get back into the habit of sharing a little more of “personal me”, with… [Continue Reading]

Happy Easter!

The more you give…the more you get. The more you love…the less you fret. The more you do unselfishly…the more you live abundantly. The more… [Continue Reading]

Top 12 Posts in 2012 from Healthy Living How To

Thank you for letting me inspire you to live healthy in mind, body and spirit in an unhealthy world. I started Healthy Living How To… [Continue Reading]

Healthy Holidays: Merry Christmas

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by… [Continue Reading]