I found myself procrastinating Tuesday morning and talking myself out of going to the gym. Can you believe that?!?! I told myself I would go later in the afternoon. And then I remembered, I got a new workout outfit this weekend. Well, let me tell you, that just changed my procrastination into action. If you are like me and find yourself in a lull sometimes when it comes to exercise, try buying yourself some new workout clothes and then I'll see you at the gym! If new workout gear doesn't inspire you, try some of these tips shared by Healthy Living How To Facebook Fans…
Me & my workout motivation…a new outfit from Athleta!
Need a Little Motivation to Exercise?
Check out the MOTIVATION from Healthy Living How To Facebook Fans
Tip Yourself
“Bringing new meaning to the phrase “workout tips”: After each workout, tip yourself $1. After 100 workouts, treat yourself to new shoes, clothes or a massage.” Survival of the Fittest
Buy Some New Tunes
“Other trick I use is to buy some new tunes for my ipod shuffle. Bought some old Dire Straits albums the other day and couldn't wait to hear them while working out.” Janet Meddings”That's my trick, too. As a guy the prospect of shopping for new gym clothes is a horrible one. So I buy new music when my motivation needs a boost.” Lee Syndergaard
Write Your Workout Down
“Seeing strength gains in workout log! They don't happen if you don't go!” Elizabeth Crawford
Avoid Pain
“I know if I don't I'll be in pain.” Marianne Rice
The Feeling Afterwards
“I think of how great I feel after a workout and how I would feel if I don't workout, that makes me go to the gym. I rather feel great than regret.” Aida Rice”I visualize myself that night when I am lying in bed reviewing my day… Will I feel proud of myself and the choices I made because of keeping my word, or the other feeling…you know the one. It's a very quick exercise, it's not in the words it's just imagining the feelings very quickly.” Stacey Shelton
Motivational Mantras
“I like to use “fun” mantras from time to time. My current motivation is: It doesn't matter how slow you go – you're still lapping everyone on the couch! I don't want to be that person on the couch!” Nicole Shaffer Tarring”I don't remember where I read this, but it gets me going every time: Change your habits, change your body. Change your body, Change your life.” Julie Anne Schmidt-Hofbauer
Time With Spouse
“My current motivation…being able to walk with my husband while he is feeling well enough to walk.” Elaine-John Verlarde”The motivation, hubs wanting to walk. We go downtown and do a loop, today we did 2. That is huge for hubs who weighs in at 365, and me at 175. For him to want to walk, that truly is motivation enough!” Sweet-Talk-N-Diabetes
Surround Yourself with Motivated People
“If at the moment I am not motivating myself, I know surrounding myself by motivated people at the gym will revive my motivation. And I like to see my husband whenever I can, so that is an added bonus!” Theresa Campbell
Meeting My Goals
“I remind myself of the big picture which is reducing my overall % of body fat by my target date!” Pam Tubbs Dantzinger
Group Accountability
“Join a group! Accountability is the key! It could be a group training session, bootcamp, running group or grab a workout buddy to meet you at the gym. Make it hard but fun too!” Kelly Philipot Jones
80 % of success is showing up. Woody Allen