Hello Healthy Living How To friends and family!
It’s your long lost friend Vanessa! Have you missed me? I most certainly have missed you! Many of you have messaged and emailed, wondering where I disappeared to…
Did I fall off the deep end?
I am writing to you today, to tell you, I am alive and well, still living and actively pursuing the healthy lifestyle I have been talking to you about for the past 4 years.
However, my life has changed…both professionally and personally.
On a personal level, about a year ago, we moved from the suburbs to a small condo in the city and in two short weeks, we will be sending our youngest son off to college. At the age of 43 (me) & 37 (my husband Tom), we will be empty nesters.
In a nutshell, we’ve dramatically simplified our life. I walk most places I need to go and rarely drive the car anymore.
After years of spending what seemed like an entire Saturday, shopping at various stores for our weekly groceries, these days our refrigerator is mostly bare. We live six floors above Whole Foods and decide in the moment what we want to make for our meals.
And, many meals, it is just me…I am not cooking for a family any more.
When I started HLHT, I was in the midst of healing from adrenal fatigue. I had left my job at Life Time Fitness in order to focus on my health. As I began to get better and feel better I realized how much I missed helping people.
Young Living Essential Oils | Lavender Farm, Mona, UT
At the insistence of my husband, I started Healthy Living How To. Although I never intended on being a food blogger, it was easy for me to share the healthy meals I was making for my family.
Many of you started following me for my healthy recipes.
Over time I started to incorporate content about living a healthy lifestyle, talking about things like hormones, metabolism, food allergies, exercise and fitness, and much more.
As you may remember, back in January I said I was going to start incorporating essential oils into my healthy lifestyle and devote this year to sharing and educating my readers about them.
What was an initial interest at the beginning of the year, has become something I am wildly passionate about. My health and the health of my friends, family and blog readers has been transformed by essential oils.
Sitting hear typing this right now, I have tears streaming down my face, as I reflect on the nearly 2,000 of my readers who trusted me and joined me on this essential oil journey. Every day I receive testimonials from my readers about how essential oils have changed their lives and their health.
The reason for my absence from Healthy Living How To for the past several months, is that I have chosen to commit my time to those who have invested in their health and in essential oils through me. I spend most of my day educating and supporting them.
I do plan to get back to creating content for Healthy Living How To. Much of it will be related to essential oils because that is a gap that needs to be filled on my website.
For those of you who want to get started with essential oils today…check out my enrollment page. I also have a number of videos on my YouTube channel.
With over 100,000 fans on Facebook and quarter of a million people who visit Healthy Living How To each month, I know there is a tremendous amount of opportunity for people’s lives to be changed and I am just getting started…
I look forward to getting active on Healthy Living How To again soon.