Part of my morning routine is to post to the Healthy Living How To Facebook Page. I make it a point to start the day with motivation or education on all things healthy. If you've “liked” the page you know what I am talking about. I think it's important to start each day with positive thoughts and intention.
I know many of my readers start their day on Facebook and I hope to be a source of inspiration that may just get their day started on the right foot. With that being said, this morning as I did some reflecting and reading I came up with a list of healthy habits I wanted to share with you and then created the simple graphic above.
Judging by the several times this was shared, it was well received. When I created the list this morning, I decided I wasn't going to give it any thought throughout the day, but instead check myself in the evening before going to bed. Kind of a test to see how well I practice what I preach.
Here's how I did…
1. Exercise moderately, but regularly
This morning shortly after posting the 10 Healthy Living Habits list, I went for my (almost) daily walk. Walking is my Wellbutrin. No really it is. I try to walk every day. My favorite loop is exactly 4.2 miles. I go to the gym as well to lift weights, but today was not a lifting day.
2. Eat healthy but delicious meals
Easy. I had very healthy and very delicious meals today. Now yesterday on the other hand, while my meals were healthy, I was toying with a new recipe and it was not delicious. I always feel a little “gypped” when that happens.
3. Regularize your sleep cycle
Last night was the first night in a few days where I got a good night's sleep. We've had severe weather in the evening and cracks of lightning and booming thunder has woken me and keeping me awake. This leaves me feeling less than healthy. Needless to say, today, after an excellent night's sleep, I felt great. I plan to do the same again tonight.
4. Develop outlets that encourage creativity
This one is tough….who am I kidding. Healthy Living How To and everything that goes into it is an outlet for my creativity.
5. Limit exposure to mass media
My television has been turned off all day. My computer on the other hand has not. However, most of the computer time has been spent on work. That's not to say I couldn't do better with this, because I can.
6. Distance yourself from destructive situations or people
Does not answering the door when I'm home alone count?
7. Practice mindfulness through prayer or meditation
This is part of not only my morning routine but throughout the day as well.
8. Avoid depressed self-absorption
Gotta admit at times I have to work on this one. Today, however, has been a great day. My husband is travelling and the kids are at the cabin, so I am home alone. This is not always good for me as I can easily fall into feeling sorry for myself when all alone, but not today. Don't plan to tomorrow either.
9. Build and use a support system
Here's the deal, me supporting you is actually supporting me as well. It is the very reason the first thing I do when a Healthy Living How To reader sends me an e-mail is say THANK YOU.
10. Pay attention to small pleasures
Right now and for most of the day, my little dog Gizmo has been curled by my side, at my feet or in my lap.
Tell me about your 10 Healthy Living Habits.
Leave a comment and let's talk about it!