Pout Pout Fish | vanessaraeromero.com

Pout Pout Fish

Listen, we all have pout pout fish in our life. They bring us down every time they swim around. I’m here to tell you, boundaries… [Continue Reading]

How to Have a Good Day | vanessaraeromero.com

How To Have a Good Day

Over the weekend Tom and I stopped at the bookstore to peruse books (one of our favorite things), drink coffee (another of our favorite things), and do… [Continue Reading]

Gotta Have Faith | vanessaraeromero.com

Gotta Have Faith

Truth. I’ve been on day fifteen of my #100daystobrave since last Friday. I didn’t want to post…just to post. I needed to ponder. So, day… [Continue Reading]

Keep A Firm Grip | vanessaraeromero.com

Keep a Firm Grip

I know at least one of my friends needs to hear this today!!! I hope this verse blesses you as it blessed me last week… [Continue Reading]

Cinco De Mayo | vanessaraeromero.com

Cinco De Mayo & My Mom

Today has me thinking about my mom. I don’t know anyone who wished they were Mexican more than her. She married a Mexican, had four… [Continue Reading]

Sunsets & Superpowers | vanessaraeromero.com

Sunsets & Superpowers

I put myself to bed tonight around 7:30 pm. With it being my first day back in the land of the living, I found myself… [Continue Reading]

I Like Big Butts

A few weeks back, shortly after picking up our grandson, he burst out into song in the car. “I LIKE big butts and I cannot… [Continue Reading]

Free Advice | vanessaraeromero.com

Free Advice

Friend, stop saying mean things about yourself to yourself. Seriously, stop it. If we are going to do BRAVE things together and encourage each other… [Continue Reading]

Trust the Sparks | vanessaraeromero.com

Trust the Sparks

I recently came home from a conference FIRED up. I had pages and pages of notes that I had whittled down to ten ideas to… [Continue Reading]

Messes & Messages | vanessaraeromero.com

Messes and Messages

The enemy loves to use our mistakes and torment us with feelings of guilt and shame. If you let him, he will remind you of… [Continue Reading]

I am | vanessaraeromero.com

I Am…

It wasn’t all that long ago that I was drowning by the weight of what others said about me. And if I was drowning then,… [Continue Reading]

Youer Than You | vanessaraeromero.com

Youer Than You

A great philosopher by the name of Dr. Seuss once said, “Today you are YOU, that is truer than true. There is no one alive… [Continue Reading]

Perfection Procrastination Fear | vanessaraeromero.com

Perfection, Procrastination, Fear

I’m an all or nothing type of gal. I also tend to be a wee bit of a perfectionist. Which means, if I can’t give… [Continue Reading]

Leaving on a Jet Plane | vanessaraeromero.com

Leaving on a Jet Plane

We were supposed to be leaving on a jet plane tomorrow for an all-expense paid trip to Banff, Canada. It’s a trip we earned for… [Continue Reading]

Nobody Is Ever Going To Want You

“Nobody is ever going to want you.” Those were the final words that were spoken to me when I walked out on an abusive marriage… [Continue Reading]

Brave | vanessaraeromero.com

Leadership Lies

One of the biggest lies about leadership is that there’s such a thing as a “fearless leader.” I mean, who coined that phrase anyways? Just… [Continue Reading]

Confidence Problem | vanessaraeromero.com

Confidence Problem

I get stopped all the time, when out and about, by women who compliment me on my hair followed by a, “I wish I could… [Continue Reading]

Easter Shoes | vanessaraeromero.com

Easter Shoes

One of my favorite Easter’s, I was probably in middle school. I got Maybelline Great Lash mascara and a pair of pink Ked’s in my… [Continue Reading]

Why I Blog

Way back when, what really seems like a lifetime ago, I was working as a fitness professional coaching clients; leading them to better health via… [Continue Reading]

Nickname | vanessaraeromero.com


I once had someone tell me they did not like my purple hair, said it was “for the birds.” My nickname is Birdie. Sometimes, The… [Continue Reading]